09 Jan What’s New in WordPress 4.7?

WordPress keeps changing constantly and often, for the better. The latest version is called WordPress 4.7. Let’s see what it has to offer: Default theme. For 2017, the default theme is brand new. This “TWENTY SEVENTEEN” theme can of course be customised. You can use custom...


06 Dec Brand Auditing and Your Website

When you have a strong brand, your business is more valuable and profitable. You can charge premium rates because you know your customers will stay loyal to your brand. Marketing and advertising become simpler and more effective. But if you notice that your business is...

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05 Sep Bitcoin and Your Website

Thinking of accepting Bitcoin as a payment option? Here are some facts you need to know first. When you try to research online about Bitcoin, you’ll notice that it can get technical very quickly. Sometimes people even wax poetic about its many benefits. But if you’re...